Hana Kubátová, M.A., Ph.D.

Hana Kubátová, M.A., Ph.D.


  • Katedra politologie

E-mail: hana.kubatova@fsv.cuni.cz

Osobní webová stránka

Vedené práce

Místnost: č. C516, Jinonice, budova C


ResearcherID: I-7324-2017

Scopus Author ID: 57127049000

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2581-3828


Rok vydání


Kapitoly v monografiích


Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících


politics of memory
nationalism and identity questions

2018– Principal Investigator (Head) of the Center for the Transdisciplinary Research of Violence, Trauma and Justice (Charles University Center of Excellence)
2021– Researcher in the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Grant 'Expert Communication as a Tool for Strengthening Social Resilience in Post-Factual Times'
2022– Senior Researcher in Charles University’s Primus Research Grant 'Past Present: The Role of Traumatic History in Foreign Policy' (PI Irena Kalhousová)
2017- 2021 Senior Researcher in Charles University’s Primus Research Grant ‘Beyond Hegemonic Narratives and Myths: Troubled Pasts in the History and Memory of East-Central South-East Europe (PI Kateřina Králová)
2013-5 Principal investigator of a three-year Czech Science Foundation Postdoctoral Grant ‘The Czechs Slovaks and Jews: Together But Apart 1938-1989’ (with Jan Láníček)
2012-7 Charles University Center for the Research on Collective Memory
2007-9 Principal Investigator of the Charles University Grant Agency’s project ‘Reflecting the Holocaust: Postwar Italy Greece and Slovakia as a Case Study’ (with Kateřina Králová and Soňa Mikulová)
2009-2010 University of Vienna Survivors of Mauthausen Research Project
2014 Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe