doc. PhDr. Jan Karlas, Ph.D., M.A.

doc. PhDr. Jan Karlas, Ph.D., M.A.


  • Department of International Relations
  • Academic Council

E-mail: ,

Telephone: +420 267 224 245

Supervised thesis

Rooms: No. C411, Jinonice, building C

ResearcherID: E-9744-2018

Scopus Author ID: 24759208900

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9473-2875

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

Úvod do mezinárodních vztahů (Introduction to International Relations), Liberalism in International Relations, Metodologický seminář (pro doktorandy), International Institutions, Problems of Global Cooperation: Causes and Solutions, Global Environmental Politics, The Making of EU Environmental Regulation: Processes, Actors, and Tools of Implementing the Climate Action Strategy of the European Green Deal

1) International institutions and organizations
2) UN and international security
3) Arms control regimes
4) World Trade Organization
5) International relations and environmental problems, global environmental institutions
6) Old and new major powers and global governance
7) EU and global governance
8) Negotiations and policy-making in the EU

2011-2012, Možnosti a limity působení národních diplomacií po ratifikaci Lisabonské smlouvy ve spolupráci s ESVA a předsednictvím EU [Possibilities and Limits of the Functioning of National Diplomacies after the Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Cooperation with the ESVA and EU Presidency], provider – the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, holder – FSV UK, responsible researcher – Jan Karlas
2014-2016, PADEMIA: Parliamentary Democracy in Europe, provider – European Commission, coordinating institution – University of Cologne
2015 – 2017, Členské státy ve WTO: preference, dodržování závazků a monitorování [Member States in the WTO: Preferences, Compliance, and Monitoring], provider – the Czech Science Foundation, holder – FSV UK, responsible researcher – Jan Karlas
2021 – ongoing, The Making of EU Environmental Regulation, a summer school project within 4EU+ Alliance
2021 – ongoing, Ratifikace všeobecných smluv o kontrole zbrojení: vysvětlující faktory [Ratification of Universal Arms Control Treaties: Explanatory Factors], the Czech Science Foundation, holder – FSV UK, responsible researcher – Jan Karlas

In his research, J. Karlas concentrates on international security, economic, and environmental institutions. At the beginning of his research career, he focused the institutional design of international security organizations and the involvement of national institutions in the European Union’s decision-making. Subsequently, his research concentrated on compliance and monitoring in the World Trade Organization, on states’ negotiation positions in the global climate regime, and on the compliance with reporting obligations in global arms control, environmental, and human rights regimes, and the ratification of universal arms control treaties.

international institutions, global environmental institutions