doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.

doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.


  • Department of Political Science


Supervised thesis

Rooms: No. C519, Jinonice, building C

ResearcherID: I-2402-2018

Scopus Author ID: 57196466733

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3655-334X

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

Analýza politky, Geografie vnitropolitických konfliktů, Geography and Politics in Europe within Global Regionalism, Geopolitical Threats in the Contemporary World, Geopolitics and Political Geography of World Regions, , Geopolitics of sovereignty, state failure and unrecognized states, Historical and Contemporary Geopolitical Issues in Europe, Political Risk Analysis

political fragmentation and its forms (secession, irredenta, decolonization)
geopolitics of international recognition (external actors)
reterritorialization of political space
geopolitics of power transformations
internal conflicts
anomalous political entities

TAČR - Migrace z oblasti Blízkého východu, subsaharské Afriky a Asie: geopolitické a bezpečnostní souvislosti, důsledky a doporučení pro ČR (2018 - 2021)
Jean Monnet EUTW Trans-Continental Cooperation on EU Studies (2015 - 2018) (EU project)
Visegrad Fund: The V4 towards migration challenges in Europe. An analysis and recommendations” (Standard project)

Geopolitics, political geography, sovereignty, international recognition, unrecognized entities, political fragmentation, political territoriality, border studies, state failure, internal conflicts

Geopolitics and power transtitions, political geography. sovereignty, international recognition, unrecognized entities, political fragmentation, political territoriality, border studies, state failure, internal conflicts