doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.
doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.
- Department of Political Science
Rooms: No. C519, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: I-2402-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57196466733
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3655-334X
Rok vydání
- Riegl M., Doboš B., Bečka J., Landovský J., Rosůlek P., Berg E., Caspersen N., Fabry M., Jakša U., Kopeček V., Czulda R., Bar S., Rudincová K., & Baar V. (2017). Unrecognized States and Secession in the 21st Century. Springer International Publishing.
- Riegl M. (2013). Proměny politické mapy po roce 1945. Grada.
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2021). Mezinárodní migrace pohledem politických věd: historie, teorie a současné otázky. Ústav mezinárodních vztahů.
- Doboš B., Riegl M., & Landovský J. (2021). Territoriality of Radical Islamist Groups: Security, Economy and Identity. Routledge.
- Říchová B., Jüptner P., Riegl M., & Švec K. (2015). Analýza politiky a političtí aktéři : možnosti a limity aplikace teorií v příkladech. Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).
Chapters in monographs
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2023). Geopolitics of Secession: Secession in the international setting. The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession (pp. 177-190).
- Riegl M., & Mičko B. (2021). Teichopolitika : reakcia na pohyby obyvateľstva. Mezinárodní migrace pohledem politických věd: historie, teorie a současné otázky (pp. 114-135).
- Riegl M. (2010). Instrumenty přímé demokracie jako nástroj legitimizaci existence mezinárodně neuznaných kvazistátů. Podoby demokracie na začátku 21. století: Evropská unie a svět (pp. 284-298).
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2020). Conclusion. Perspectives on Secession : Theory and Case Studies (pp. 139-142).
- Riegl M., & Kobierecka A. (2017). Introduction. The V4 Towards Migration Challenges in Europe : An Analysis and Recommendations (pp. 9-27).
- Riegl M. (2015). Geopolitické postavení Československa od vestfálského k postvestfálskému systému. Česká společnost a kultura v osmdesátých letech dvacátého století (pp. 12-20).
- Doboš B., & Riegl M. (2020). Neomedievalism and International Recognition: Explaining the Level of Recognition Via Networking. Perspectives on Secession : Theory and Case Studies (pp. 57-71).
- Mičko B., & Riegl M. (2021). Prístupy k (i)migrácii v Austrálii a EU. Mezinárodní migrace pohledem politických věd: historie, teorie a současné otázky (pp. 136-153).
- Bečka J., Doboš B., Riegl M., & Waitzmanová S. (2017). The Perception of Migrants/Refugees in the Czech Republic and the Impact of the Migration Crisis on The Czech Political Scene. The V4 Towards Migration Crisis in Europe: An Analysis and Recommendations (pp. 51-58).
- Doboš B., Landovský J., Riegl M., & Waitzmanová S. (2017). The Czech Republic and the Reactions to the Migration Crisis on the International Scene. The V4 Towards Migration Challenges in Europe: An Analysis and Recommendations (pp. 58-80).
- Riegl M. (2008). Language and Identity in Cyprus. The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity, 2(2), 33-43.
- Riegl M. (2008). Blanka Říchová (ed): Government Models in Parliamentary Systems (the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Mauritius). Perspectives, 16(1), 149-152.
- Riegl M. (2008). Language and idenity in Cyprus. The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity, 2(1), 33-43.
- Riegl M. (2010). Horáková, Dana (2007). Nation, Culture and Ethnicity v post-apartheid South Africa.. The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity, 4(1), 117-120.
- Riegl M., Doboš B., & Bečka J. (2019). Independent territories revisited? The concept of partially independent territories (PITs) and the role of such territories in the international system. Territory, Politics, Governance, 7(3), 406-420. UT-WOS link
- Riegl M. (2012). BRZEZINSKI, Z. (2012). Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power. New York: Basic Books. 224 pp. ISBN: 046502954X. Acta Politologica, 4(2), 218-222.
- Riegl M. (2010). Terminologie kvazistátů. Acta Politologica, 2(1), 57-71.
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2018). Power and Recognition: How (Super)Powers Decide the International Recognition Process. Politics and Policy, 46(3), 442-471. UT-WOS link
- Riegl M., Doboš B., & Bečka J. (2018). V4 between TTIP and OBOR. Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies, 16(1), 129-144.
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2018). Geopolitics of Secession: Post-Soviet De Facto States and Russian Geopolitical Strategy. Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 12(1), 59-89.
- Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2014). Secession in Post-Modern World: Cases of South Sudan and Somaliland. Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae, 58(2), 173-192.
- Riegl M. (2014). Jihoafrické volby 2014 z pohledu volební geografie. Politologická revue, 20(2), 161-183.
- Riegl M. (2014). Parlamentní volby 2014 v JAR ve znamení oslabené většiny Afrického národního kongresu?. Acta Politologica, 6(1), 99-112.
- Riegl M. (2015). From Democratization to Disintegration: The Battle for the European Union's Eastern Periphery-A Geopolitical Note/ Perception. Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, 19(1), 51-88.
- Berg E., Riegl M., & Doboš B. (2016). Introduction. The Annual of Language & Language of Politics and ldentity, 10(11), 3-6.
- Doboš B., & Riegl M. (2021). Between the Hammer and the Anvil: Limits on Territoriality of Daesh Affiliates. Civil Wars [online], 23(2), 153-176. UT-WOS link
- Doboš B., Riegl M., & Hansen S. (2019). Territoriality of radical Islam: Comparative analysis of jihadist groups' approach to territory. Small Wars and Insurgencies, 30(3), 543-562. UT-WOS link
- Mičko B., & Riegl M. (2022). Towards a Schmittian Theory of Border Hardening: Nomos, Sovereignty, Political Unity and Barriers in the Middle East. Geopolitics, 27(1), 206-237. UT-WOS link
- Vaško T., & Riegl M. (2007). Comparison of language policies in the post-Soviet Union countries on the European continent. The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity, 1(1), 47-78.
- Landovský J., Dyčka L., & Riegl M. (2015). Dlouhodobý výhled pro obranu 2030 - pohled zevnitř. Vojenské rozhledy, 24(3), 3-7.
- Barlow E., Doboš B., & Riegl M. (2021). Beyond Ouagadougou: State-building and jihadism in Burkina Faso. African Security Review, 30(2), 152-169. UT-WOS link
- Barlow E., Doboš B., & Riegl M. (2024). On territoriality of the Mozambican insurgency: Controlling lands of the slander cape?. African Security Review, 33(2), 115-130. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Analýza politky, Geografie vnitropolitických konfliktů, Geography and Politics in Europe within Global Regionalism, Geopolitical Threats in the Contemporary World, Geopolitics and Political Geography of World Regions, , Geopolitics of sovereignty, state failure and unrecognized states, Historical and Contemporary Geopolitical Issues in Europe, Political Risk Analysis
political fragmentation and its forms (secession, irredenta, decolonization)
geopolitics of international recognition (external actors)
reterritorialization of political space
geopolitics of power transformations
internal conflicts
anomalous political entities
TAČR - Migrace z oblasti Blízkého východu, subsaharské Afriky a Asie: geopolitické a bezpečnostní souvislosti, důsledky a doporučení pro ČR (2018 - 2021)
Jean Monnet EUTW Trans-Continental Cooperation on EU Studies (2015 - 2018) (EU project)
Visegrad Fund: The V4 towards migration challenges in Europe. An analysis and recommendations” (Standard project)
Geopolitics, political geography, sovereignty, international recognition, unrecognized entities, political fragmentation, political territoriality, border studies, state failure, internal conflicts
Geopolitics and power transtitions, political geography. sovereignty, international recognition, unrecognized entities, political fragmentation, political territoriality, border studies, state failure, internal conflicts