CfA: Inter-University Academic Mobility 2019

CfA: Inter-University Academic Mobility 2019
The International Office would like to inform you about the open Call for Application of the Inter-University Agreements for academics, postgraduate students and post-doctoral students during the calendar year 2019.
Please send your application form to the International Office to Ing. Eliška Kozáková (Office No. 217) by Monday 5th November 2018 at 2:00 PM.
Applicants for Katholieke Universiteit Leuven please send your application form by Monday 22nd October 2018at 2:00 PM for stays planned between February and June 2019 and by Monday 18th February 2019 for stays planned between September and December 2019.
Details about the required documents (in Czech)
The signature of the Vice-Dean for International Relations needed on the Academic Visitor Application will be ensured by the International Office FSV.