Words that Shape Worlds: a series of lectures by Teun A. van Dijk

Words that Shape Worlds: a series of lectures by Teun A. van Dijk

Join us for an unparalleled intellectual journey with the legendary Teun A. van Dijk, a pioneering figure in the field of Social Sciences, especially Critical Discourse Studies. As one of the founding fathers of this influential field, van Dijk's work has reshaped our understanding of language, power, and society. This exclusive event marks his much-anticipated return to Prague after more than 40 years, offering a rare opportunity to engage with his groundbreaking insights.

Date: 9 April 2024 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Place: Voršilská 1, Chapel (5th floor)


  • the first lecture starting at 10:00 AM
  • 30-minute coffee break from 11:15 AM
  • the second lecture from 11:45 AM

Lectures overview:

  • Lecture 1: The Role of Critical Discourse Studies in Social Sciences - Explore the significance of Critical Discourse Studies within the broader social sciences, understanding its utility across various subfields.
  • Lecture 2: Decoding the Far Right: A Discursive Perspective - Delve into the ideologies of the far right, examining their discourse and impact on society.

About Prof. Teun A. van Dijk: Prof. van Dijk is not just a scholar; he is a legend in the field of Social Sciences, particularly known for his groundbreaking work in Critical Discourse Studies. With a career spanning over 50 years and lectures in 63 countries, he has shaped the way we understand text, discourse, and their roles in society. His contributions include:

  • Founding the Centre of Discourse Studies in Barcelona.
  • Being awarded three honorary doctorates for his contributions to the field.
  • Founding six influential academic journals, serving as the chief editor for most.
  • His extensive research covers a vast array of subjects including racism, ideologies, the far right, migration, social movements, and discrimination.

Prof. van Dijk's work is among the most cited in the Social Sciences, reflecting the profound impact of his research and thought leadership. This event is a must-attend for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of our social world and the discourses that shape it.