doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr. Petra Guasti, Ph.D.
doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr. Petra Guasti, Ph.D.
- Katedra politologie
Místnost: č. C515, Jinonice, budova C
ResearcherID: AAH-3373-2021
Scopus Author ID: 56153464500
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7129-1827
Rok vydání
- ZULIANELLO, Mattia - GUASTI, Petra. Capire il Populismo. 1 vyd. Torino: UTET Universita, 2024. 305 s. ISBN 978-88-6008-996-0.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- GUASTI, Petra - MANSFELDOVÁ, Zdenka. Tschechien: Herausforderungen durch Polarisierung und Machtfusion. In: VERHEUGEN, Günter - VODIČKA, Karel - BRUSIS, Martin. Demokratie im postkommunistischen EU-Raum: Erfolge, Defizite, Risiken. 1. Aufl vyd. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2021, s. 175-191. ISBN 978-3-658-33130-6.
- GUASTI, Petra - MANSFELDOVA, Zdenka. Regularity and Instability: Coalition Governments in Czechia 2008-2022. In: BERGMAN, Torbjörn - ILONSZKI, Gabriella - HELLSTRÖM, Johan. Coalition Politics in Central Eastern Europe: Governing in Times of Crisis. 1st Edition vyd. London: Routledge, 2023, s. 68-93. ISBN 978-1-00-380898-5.
- GUASTI, Petra - PEROTTINO, Michel. Zeitgeist antiestablishment à la française. In: ZULIANELLO, Mattia - GUASTI, Petra. Capire il Populismo. 1 vyd. Torino: UTET, 2024, s. 132-134. ISBN 978-88-6008-996-0.
- GUASTI, Petra - MICHAL, Aleš - MALÝ, Michal. Risposte socialdemocratiche al populismo: un’analisi comparata. In: ZULIANELLO, Mattia - GUASTI, Petra. Capire il populismo. 1 vyd. Torino: UTET Università, 2024, s. 152-155. ISBN 978-88-6008-996-0.
- GUASTI, Petra. Populismo e tecnocrazia: opposti complementari. In: ZULIANELLO, Mattia - GUASTI, Petra. Capire il Populismo. 1 vyd. Torino: UTET Universita, 2024, s. 53-57. ISBN 978-88-6008-996-0.
- GUASTI, Petra - MALÝ, Michal - MICHAL, Aleš. Crisi e populismo: il caso della Slovacchia. In: ZULIANELLO, Mattia - GUASTI, Petra. Capire il populismo. 1 vyd. Torino: UTET Università, 2024, s. 135-137. ISBN 978-88-6008-996-0.
- BUSTIKOVA, Lenka - GUASTI, Petra. Migration and right-wing mobilization in the Czech Republic. In: SAMERS, Michael - RYDGREN, Jens. Migration and Nationalism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. 1 vyd. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, s. 197-222. ISBN 978-1-83910-075-8.
- GUASTI, Petra - BUSTIKOVA, Lenka. Varieties of Illiberal Backlash in Central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism. 2023, 70(2), 130-142. ISSN 1075-8216. UT-WOS link
- GUASTI, Petra. Democratic Erosion and Democratic Resilience in Central Europe during COVID-19. Mezinárodní vztahy. 2021, 56(4), 91-104. ISSN 0323-1844. UT-WOS link
- GUASTI, Petra - BUSTIKOVA, Lenka. Pandemic power grab. East European Politics. 2022, 38(4), 529-550. ISSN 2159-9165. UT-WOS link
- GUASTI, Petra - BÍLEK, Jaroslav. The demand side of vaccine politics and pandemic illiberalism. East European Politics. 2022, 38(4), 594-616. ISSN 2159-9165. UT-WOS link
- GUASTI, Petra. Mosaic of the contemporary populist radical right: A review essay. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology [online]. 2021, 8(3), 355-362. ISSN 2325-4815.
- GUASTI, Petra - GEISSEL, Brigitte. Claims of Representation: Between Representation and Democratic Innovations. Frontiers in Political Science [online]. 2021, neuveden(neuveden), 1-12. ISSN 2673-3145.
- PEROTTINO, Michel - GUASTI, Petra. Technocratic Populism a la Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron's Success. Politics and Governance [online]. 2020, 8(4), 545-555. ISSN 2183-2463. UT-WOS link
- SIEFKEN, Sven T. - GUASTI, Petra - PATZELT, Werner J. - AKIRAV, Osnat - COGHILL, Ken - HAUPT, Pauline. Parlamente in der Pandemie: Erste Erkenntnisse aus einem international vergleichenden Forschungsvorhaben. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 2021, 52(4), 878-895. ISSN 0340-1758.
- GAGNON, Jean-Paul - ASENBAUM, Hans - FLEUSS, Dannica - BUSSU, Sonia - GUASTI, Petra - DEAN, Rikki - CHALAYE, Pierrick - ALNEMR, Nardine - MARQUARDT, Friedel - WEISS, Alexander. The Marginalized Democracies of the World. Democratic Theory. 2021, 8(2), 1-18. ISSN 2332-8894. UT-WOS link
- KAROLEWSKI, Pawel Ireneusz - LIBIN, Xie - PATAPAN, Haig - HALMAI, Gabor - KUTAY, Acar - GUASTI, Petra - SCHEUERMAN, William E.. Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding. Contemporary Political Theory. 2023, 22(3), 406-437. ISSN 1470-8914. UT-WOS link